Your February Sexoscopes
Created on 01/02/2021
Updated on 13/10/2022
For this Valentine's Day, our theme is Stay Tender: There's nothing quite like a personal touch, especially at a time when personal touch is hard to come by. Don’t be afraid to reach out with a little tenderness—to others, and to yourself.
Welcome to February, lovers! We spend most of the month of love backpedaling through our first Mercury retrograde of 2021, gifting us the opportunity to slow down and reflect on everything we’ve been trying to move forward with in the new year. Astrology teaches us, through retrogrades, how to work with life’s cycles of growing, resting, and shedding before we begin again. Many experts will recommend waiting to sign contracts and not to begin new relationships during Mercury retrograde, but don’t let that hold you back from taking action when it feels good and your body tells you the timing is right. Taking that little pause to check in with your body’s inner knowing is how you get out of your head and work with retrograde cycles, rather than against them.
February promises to be an interesting month, with Venus joining the sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in futuristic-yet-detached Aquarius. Connect with your partners on a mental level with plenty of flirting, erotic pillow talk, and unexpectedly playful texts, as Aquarius loves to be surprised and intrigued. Mars in sensual Taurus reminds us that once we detach, we are able to reconnect in tactile ways, as this placement wants to feel every inch of our bodies, without being fussy about setting the perfect mood. So give yourself a break—it’s ok to be raw and messy where pleasure is concerned.
Mercury finishes its retrograde on the 20th, just after the sun swims into dreamy Pisces, sprinkling feelings of nostalgia over us. Have extra compassion for yourself and anyone you’re involved with, as Pisces energy brings up sensitive feelings from the past that are ready for healing. Observe what comes up for you and release it to make room in your heart for new beginnings.