Welcome to July, lovers! Hot vaxx summer is upon us, and we’re all aching to pull down our masks and make out with life again. The Cancer sun asks us to do so with caution, having strong boundaries, and to bravely navigate the depth of our feelings. After a year of drastic change, what will you do differently this summer? Are you ready to give yourself permission to swim toward your desires with greater commitment? When it comes to your relationships, put yourself out there in a big way. If your affections aren’t reciprocated, the only thing you have to lose is a connection that wasn’t worth your time. With Venus and Mars spending most of the month in dramatic Leo, it’s perfectly acceptable to go heavy on the glitter, cause a scene, and cry if you want to.
When the sun moves from emotional Cancer into fiery Leo on the 23rd, the energy shifts again, and some of the big changes you’ve been working on this year will start to pick up momentum. Stay focused on your goals and dreams without being so attached to knowing the final outcome. Flexibility is key to riding the big waves of energy crashing around you until you surrender to what is immediately in front of you. Flirt with your future, commit to your present, and make love to yourself like the sexy cosmic creature you are.