Imbalanced hormones can cause a whole host of symptoms, many of which are the same as pregnancy symptoms.Hormones are essential chemicals in the body that regulate a whole host of different processes, explains Dr Kinsella. They’re well known for affecting our fertility, menstrual cycle and moods but also have a huge impact on our whole body, from our skin to our hair and even our gums. Hormone fluctuations take place during pregnancy and menopause, as well at other points during a person’s life. A change in a person’s natural hormone levels can ultimately cause many pregnancy mimicking symptoms. And while pregnancy can be the cause, a person’s hormone balance can be tipped off balance by a large number of things such as stress, diet, exercise, lack of sleep, menopause and so on. Imbalanced hormones can cause a whole host of symptoms, many of which are the same as pregnancy symptoms – such as fatigue, breast changes, anxiety, missed periods, and more. Here, we will discuss many of the other causes of symptoms similar to those experienced in pregnancy, so you can understand why your body may be experiencing them.
Created on 20/05/2022
Updated on 13/10/2022
Have you found yourself nervously Googling your symptoms to figure out "Am I pregnant"? Well chances are, you may have some symptoms that are associated with pregnancy, but also with lots of other conditions.
Common symptoms of pregnancy include a missed period, fatigue, breast changes, nausea, spotting and cramping, despite numerous other symptoms. While these symptoms are all common pregnancy symptoms, they can also be commonly misunderstood as pregnancy when in fact they’re something else, as these symptoms can also be attributed to menopause, PMS, ovulation symptoms, UTIs and other common ailments.
This is largely because of the fact that many of these symptoms are hormone related, explains Dr Martin Kinsella, a hormone specialist, who we spoke with to get to the bottom of the similarities between pregnancy and other causes, and how a person can determine what may be happening to them.