Sex Journaling for Self-Discovery
Sexual Wellness

Sex Journaling for Self-Discovery

Created on 10/09/2024
Updated on 10/09/2024
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Sex journaling: it sounds like something out of that 90s teenage rom com you watched one time, but it’s actually a powerful tool for self-discovery. And no, you don’t have to start every entry with “Dear Diary” while hiding under the covers with a flashlight (unless you want to, and then we’re all for it). With a journal and a pen, you can navigate the complexities of your sexual experiences and desires–and maybe even get to know yourself in the process.

Why Sex Journaling?

Let’s be honest, talking about sex can sometimes feel awkward, even if it is with your closest friend or therapist on speed dial. It's complex, it’s intimate. But writing? That’s where the magic happens. Sex journaling provides a private space to explore your thoughts, desires, and experiences without the pressure of an audience.

Imagine you’re Indiana Jones, but instead of searching for ancient artifacts, you’re delving into the mysteries of your own libido. Think of your journal as the map, guiding you through the temple of self-discovery, minus the rolling boulders, of course.

Getting Started

  1. Find Your Journal: First things first, get yourself a journal. The right journal can make all the difference, whether you love a refillable leather-bound book, a sticker-covered notebook, or even a voice-activated Password Journal, if you can find one on eBay (you can’t, we’ve tried). 
  2. Set the Scene: Create a relaxing environment. Dim the lights, light a candle, and play some soothing music. Or, pour a cup of coffee, smoke a little something, and find a cozy corner where you won’t be interrupted.
  3. Start with Prompts: Sometimes staring at a blank page is more intimidating than that after-hours “URGENT” email in your inbox. Here are a few prompts to get you started:
  • Describe your earliest memory of feeling sexually curious.
  • Write about a recent sexual experience and how it made you feel.
  • List your sexual fantasies—don’t worry, this is a no-judgment zone.
  • Reflect on how your sexual desires have changed over the years.

The Benefits of Sex Journaling

  1. Increased Self-Awareness: By putting your thoughts and feelings into words, you gain a deeper understanding of your desires and boundaries. It’s like having a heart-to-heart with yourself, only more cutesey, more demure.
  2. Better Communication: Understanding your own needs and desires can make it easier to communicate them to your partner. Think of it as rehearsing your lines, or training muscles—the more you do it, the easier it becomes to talk about it, and act on it.
  3. Emotional Release: Sometimes, maybe even a lot of the time, intimacy isn’t all fireworks and violins. It can bring up complex emotions, from joy to frustration. Journaling provides a safe outlet for these feelings, helping you process and move forward.
  4. Personal Growth: Over time, your journal becomes a record of your sexual journey. Reviewing past entries can reveal patterns, growth, and areas needing attention. It’s like looking back at your early Instagram grid and realizing, “Wow, I’ve come a long way.”

Keeping it Light

At Dame, we try not to take ourselves too seriously, though. Sex is a fundamental part of life, but it can also be wonderfully absurd. Let’s lighten the mood:

   - Write a letter to your teenage self about what you wish you knew about sex.

   - Describe a funny or embarrassing moment that happened during sex.

   - Invent a new sex position and give it an applause-worthy name.


Sex journaling isn’t about perfection; it’s about exploration and growth. It’s a journey filled with insights, revelations, and yes, a few laughs along the way. So grab that journal, pour that coffee, light that joint, and start mapping out the wonders of your sexual self.

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