Defining the Relationship: When and How
Created on 15/04/2022
Updated on 13/10/2022
So you’ve been going on dates with someone, and you’ll admit it: You like them. Maybe they're sweet, or funny, or smart. Maybe you two have had a good mix of silly, lighthearted conversations and deeper ones about family or your fears. Regardless, you know the sometimes dreaded time — defining the relationship (DTR) — is coming.
For many, defining the relationship can be scary. What if they laugh in your face? Want something different? When is “too soon” to define the relationship, and how does one even start that conversation?
You may have lots of questions surrounding this experience, and that’s perfectly normal. Questions like these are all over Reddit and other forums, so you’re far from alone. But try not to worry — we’ve got you covered with tips from the experts.