We are sexual beings with access to the latest HD technology and lusty interest in showing off our hot bods.Take it even further by combining OG dirty talk with the voice memos on your phone. If your phone has access to sending voice notes, take turns sharing a fantasy or recounting a sexy memory. Imagine you're on the train and a hot voice note plays in your earbuds while riding to your next stop. Dear goodness, that is hot. And with this option, you're working on comfortability, demonstrating the language you like to use, discovering how the tone of voice or whispering can build trust as you explore power dynamics.
Created on 22/02/2022
Updated on 13/10/2022
Sexting is almost like a cell phone right of passage, naughty freedom that you and the privileged few in your contact list get to indulge in whenever, wherever . . . WiFi pending. While its availability would be considered a run-of-the-mill practice considering how often we check that latest notification and utilize emojis to share our lustful secrets, sexting is also a skill that can build tension, anticipation, and desire.
The best way to start is not to rush into a blue or green bubbled novel of all delectable cravings you might feel for your partner/lover. Just like OG dirty talk, start slow with what you want and know: I want to put my ____ around your ____. Then let the conversation take off from there by using ellipsis (. . .) or breaks in the conversation to build suspense. Enjoy the tease . . . it will make the moment you're together (or alone by yourself) that much more heated.