Capricorn & Capricorn Rising (December 21-January 20)
Happy solar return Capricorn! You’ve been making some big changes over the last two years, and this is the time you begin to see some tangible results. Commend yourself for your patience and perseverance as this journey has not been easy. Use Venus and Mercury retrograde to reevaluate your goals and refine your plans for this year and you’ll be ready to take some serious action come March. In the meantime, you can get out of your head by getting physical and enjoying some sexy self care.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising (January 21-February 18)
Change is something you crave as well as resist, Aquarius. Before the action of 2022 gets going, Venus and Mercury retrograde are going to take you on a tour of your relationship to control and surrender, and how you handle change that is beyond your control versus the daily mini-rebellions you incite to keep yourself entertained. What behavior is serving you and what is keeping your nervous system in fight or flight? This is your time to mature and outgrow anything that has kept you from your desires. You are worthy of having what you only fantasized about.
Pisces & Pisces Rising (February 19-March 20)
You can make an impact just by being yourself, Pisces. The state of the world can feel overwhelming, and you may feel at a loss to know exactly what your role is and how you can help. Pay attention to your dreams for clues on how your energy already contributes in meaningful ways. When you focus on finding joyful connections and taking good care of yourself, the universe has a way of moving you toward the relationships and opportunities to be of service. Flirt with life without overcommitting your precious time and emotional energy.
Aries & Aries Rising (March 21-April 19)
This month has you reevaluating your work habits, goals, and their opportunity costs, Aries. Achieving your dreams should really turn you on - especially when what you desire is so close to touching you. The new year will propel you forward, but not until you devote some of your ample energy to clearing out the cobwebs and dismantling outdated systems within yourself that have been keeping you playing small or doing the work for everyone besides yourself. It’s your time to shine. Don’t hold back.
Taurus & Taurus Rising (April 20-May 20)
Your ruling planet Venus is retrograde in fellow earth sign Capricorn until February, this will have a significant impact on you, your relationships and what you value. This special time of reflection is gifting you some extra time to refine your plans. You’ve been thrust into changes over the last couple years that may feel uncomfortable yet you are more than ready to embody these new life upgrades. You cannot, however, take everything with you. Some of your treasured possessions and relationships can’t come with you. It is safe to part ways with the past and embrace your future.
Gemini & Gemini Rising (May 21-June 20)
Prioritizing your mental health sets the tone for this special year, Gemini. Take this Venus and Mercury retrograde as a sacred pause of inner reflection and taking inventory of what relationships, behaviors, and even what media consumption is harmful and beneficial for you. Create some new healthy habits for yourself by making a keep and a toss pile. Enlist an accountability partner to help support you, and keep your notes app open - the more space you create in your life the more genius ideas will drop into your conscious awareness. Let your ideas flow.
Cancer & Cancer Rising (June 21-July 22)
What does partnership mean to you, Cancer? Where did these ideas come from? Make a list of the qualities and values your ideal partner or partnership embodies. Include the feelings this relationship will bring you and do your best to feel them in your body as you craft your list. It doesn’t matter if you’re single or in a relationship, this is about finding clarity around what you would like to feel and experience. Venus retrograde will help you refine this list and show you how to move toward the nurturing, supportive, sexually satisfying experiences you crave.
Leo & Leo Rising (July 23-August 22)
It’s time to reevaluate your self-care practices, Leo. You’re no stranger to indulgence, but how are you with impulse control? Sometimes the most caring thing you can do for yourself is taking responsibility for yourself. Use these Venus and Mercury retrogrades to identify the areas of life you have been ignoring and start with tiny action steps, such as opening that savings account, starting that mediation practice, or making that doctor's appointment. These little steps are setting the tone for a year of glow ups. Show the universe you’re ready for the next level in every area of life.
Virgo & Virgo Rising (August 23-September 21)
Focus on self-expression and pleasure this month, Virgo. This entails putting your own desires first, or at least identifying the difference between what you actually desire and the good feelings you get by making someone else’s desires a reality. They may not be the same thing, and you deserve both. It’s possible to have your needs met and still be of service to your lovers. Can you open yourself up to the possibility that your partner feels tremendously rewarded by pleasing you as much as you do as the primary giver? It’s safe to lay back and receive.
Libra & Libra Rising (September 22-October 21)
The dance between your public and private self is where you will seek to find balance this month, Libra. There is power in straddling the line between doing the inner psychological and emotional work and what you are able to accomplish out in the world. You are learning that resting is a form of action. The more stillness you allow yourself the more tapped into your inner wisdom you become. In this space you can listen to your body for the answers you seek and overcome the reductive label of indecisiveness your sign has been long associated with. Claim your desires this year.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising (October 22-November 20)
Scorpio, what secrets have you been keeping that are holding you back from the relationships and money moves you know you’re capable of? Venus and Mercury retrogrades are teaming up to help you open up your vault of treasures so you can connect to the partners and opportunities you’re ready to receive. Notice when you shut down emotionally to any unconscious threats. Those are actually opportunities to stay with your feelings and speak up. When you choose to move through the uncomfortable vulnerable moments you expand - this is the death and rebirth that feeds your soul. Allow it to burn away your fear.