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june sexoscopes

Your June Sexoscopes

By Stefanie Caponi | Created on 06/08/2020 | Updated on 10/13/2022
Welcome to June, lovers! This may not be quite the hot-girl summer we were all hoping for; between retrogrades, eclipses, and social distancing, it’s looking more like cautious-girl summer, and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Surrendering your plans and ideas about how you want things to be is the first step to working with the planetary energy available to you this month and the foreseeable future. Right now, responsible is the new sexy, while remaining flexible and adaptable to the changes occurring around you. We have the next few months to go back over what we’ve learned since January, and see where we can rise to meet the challenges with more maturity and ask what we’re being asked to step into, rather than trying to force things that are no longer meant for us. Last month, Venus, Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter all went retrograde, or appeared to move backward in the sky for various amounts of time. This affects us personally, socially, and collectively when it comes to the themes of love, money, responsibility, maturity, power, and our ability to transform. Mercury joins the retrograde party on the 14th of this month, begging us to stop forcing action and instead look inward. This doesn’t have to be sad or scary. Rather, allow it to empower you. Opportunities for clarity, guidance, and second chances are all around you! Gemini season is typically filled with flirting and socializing, but in an era of social distancing, make room in your life for this to look and feel different. You may be surprised at how the quality of your interactions moves from lighthearted and fleeting to deeper and more meaningful. This sets the stage perfectly for the level of emotional intelligence we will all be working with as the sun moves into intuitive water sign, Cancer, on June 21. Any energy you put into developing your emotional and mental wellness this month will set you up for the wonderful gifts that await you within your relationships.


Gemini & Gemini Rising (May 21-June 20)

Happy solar return, Gemini! This is an important year for you at your foundational core, asking you to find new sources of inspiration, entertainment, and deeper levels of intimacy within your relationships. When your mind isn’t engaged, you can get yourself into trouble, and this is where adjustments can be made to help you become your own sustainable resource of joy. Venus retrograde in your sign is bringing back missed opportunities for love, money, and closure. Notice what and who is trying to communicate with you this month—there may be gold hidden within a situation you thought was finished. As Mercury joins Venus, dancing backward to help you move forward with dynamic, intriguing partners that stimulate you mentally as well as physically.


Cancer & Cancer Rising (June 21-July 22)

Explore the depths of your feelings this month, Cancer. The planetary retrogrades accompanied by a powerful solar eclipse in your sign on June 21 marks a big month of transformation for you. Try not to force action if your intuition is telling you to turn inward; this is where you will gain insight and clarity. Right before the sun returns to light up your personal new year, it always takes you on a review of the last year and the events that have led you to where you are now. Trust that any chaos and confusion was meant to break you out of a routine so you are available to forge new pathways and connections in the upcoming months. Your generous heart is being activated to exchange love that beats with a new frequency. The best is yet to come.


Leo & Leo Rising (July 23-August 22)

Dream a new dream, Leo. You’ve been asked to step into your power by shedding self-doubt and fear of being too much for people. The vision of your future is shifting rapidly even though we appear to be standing still. This paradox is working to propel you into alignment with the relationships and passion projects that are supporting the dreams you’ve only whispered to yourself. Stay in your joy. Do small things every day that keep you feeling vibrant, confident, and sexy. This is your opportunity to rewrite your future, where you script the leading role for yourself. Envision your sexiest scenarios playing out, your most dramatic romantic gestures, and the epic wardrobe. Your energy is your calling card: Let it come from a place of endless possibilities for pleasure.


Virgo & Virgo Rising (August 23-September 22)

You may find yourself career-focused this month, Virgo. Your mind may be churning with ideas and inspiration, or you could be analyzing the past searching for clues to your next move. If you have experienced endings this year, trust that it is clearing space for something new, even if it doesn’t make sense yet. Venus and your ruling planet, Mercury are among the retrograde planets, asking you to go inward and allow yourself to process any grief or sadness, give yourself space to release any emotions that may be lingering with the intention of welcoming new opportunities. These could be around money and job security as well as love and romance. Let go of what you want, and ask for what you need that will fulfill you in the juiciest ways. The universe has a way of surprising you when you let go of control and flow with possibility.


Libra & Libra Rising (September 23-October 22)

Where have you been fantasizing about going, Libra? Travel planning can be just as exciting as the trip itself. Plan your fantasy vacation—even if you can’t go anywhere in the near future, you will get there at some point! Infuse elements of your dream destination into your daily routine to make it more exciting. Maybe that means working from home in your favorite bathing suit with the windows open? Surprise your virtual dates or your quarantine lover with a staycation cocktail hour and invite them to dream with you about all the amazing places you’ll go when it’s safe to be back in the wild. Make a playlist to put you in the mood for vacation sex while sticking close to home. You can create a mood anywhere.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising (October 23-November 21)

The intense energy of June can be to your delicious enjoyment, Scorpio, if you allow yourself to be flexible and not try to control it. Retrogrades bring back the ghosts of your past that have unfinished business, while eclipses close the doors we may not be ready to shut on our own. This is a powerful month of endings and beginnings, filled with opportunities to transform yourself. The hardest part of transformation is surrendering control and trusting that the universe has your best interest in mind. You’ve been working really hard to create relationships and massive financial changes, now it's time to trust that you’re being energetically supported. In order to have something new you must act in ways you’ve never tried. Step out of your comfort zone and flirt with the endless possibilities that are about to open up to you.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising (November 22-December 21)

Relationships of all kinds are on your mind this month, Sagittarius. You are in the process of major changes in the ways you relate to others romantically, including your expectations of partnerships. Get honest with yourself about what you are looking for and what you are willing to bring. Organization may not be your thing, but having some clarity before jumping into IRL dating can help you learn new things about yourself and where you are at this time. Make it easy on yourself by breaking love into categories: how you want to feel, what you want to do, and what are your long- and short-term goals. Romance is an adventure filled with spontaneity—set yourself up to enjoy each moment to the fullest by creating a solid foundation of what you truly desire.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising (Dec 22-Jan 20)

You are in the zone this month, Capricorn. You have so much energy for making your daily routine the perfect incubator for success, and you’re loving it! You always give your all, and in the past, this has drained your energetic batteries. Tuning in to your needs, building an action plan, and cultivating the daily routine that allows you to maximize your energy efficiently while allowing restorative time has a profound effect on your entire mood. This leads to feeling more vibrant and sexy, allowing you to express your sensual side in exciting ways. Whether it’s a zoom date with new possible romantic partners, or clocking miles in the sheets with your steady love, everything seems to be clicking into place. Enjoy these pleasure rewards, because you've earned them.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising (January 21-February 18)

Cultivating desire isn’t your norm, Aquarius; you’re more turned on by new experiences. During these retrogrades you have the opportunity to get excited by what (and maybe who) you’ve done before, in new ways. How is that for a novel experience? Perhaps there is something that was overlooked that is coming back to excite you in new ways, or maybe you’re more confident and present to express yourself and engage fully. Eclipses bring endings, and that clears space for these new experiences. However this energy plays out, you’ll be uncovering hidden pleasure by seeing the past in a new light. Allow yourself to be inspired, flirt with your desires, claim them, and let them consume you.


Pisces & Pisces Rising (February 19-March 20)

You may be feeling nostalgic this month, Pisces. You may be spending time with your actual family, or simply swimming through memories of the past. Think way back to a time before dating apps, mixed signals, and quarantines. Remember your first crush? How about your first kiss, or your first orgasm? Focus on the memories that evoke joy, curiosity, and turn you on all over again. These are the memories that can offer you clues to who you were before heartaches and disappointment. Try to extract their purity and infuse them into your current reality—it can have a profound effect on your energy, as you navigate romance and relationships in uncertain times. Know that you are shifting toward exciting new opportunities to experience passion and pleasure.


Aries & Aries Rising (March 21-April 19)

Talk dirty to me, Aries. This month holds the energy of fun, flirtation, and sexy banter alongside the opportunity to reflect on what you say before you say it. With so many planets in reverse, miscommunications are bound to happen. Ask for clarity if you are in doubt, jumping to conclusions is a misuse of energy for everyone. Eclipses bring endings, and this one may help you bring something to an end that has been taking up too much space for far too long. Trust that exciting new doors are opening for you, even if you can’t see them yet. Go with the flow, and make time to engage with sexy prospects on video dates. Give them an earful of what they may get a taste of when you can meet up IRL.


Taurus & Taurus Rising (April 20-May 20)

Resist the temptation to treat yourself excessively this month, Taurus. You may be tempted to indulge in a luxury item, or serious online shopping spree, and normally you have my blessing. But during retrograde season, exercising impulse control can go a long way. Instead ask yourself: What does this item represent? Sometimes we shop to fill a void, or get a temporary rush when nothing seems fun or exciting. You’re being gifted with the opportunity to be flexible during times of discomfort. You may fight this, or you can lean in with curiosity. There are endless possibilities that will delight your senses when you surrender control and allow the universe to turn you on in new ways.