Questioning: Dreamwork and Intention-Setting
Considering a vision for the future is essential groundwork for any revolution. It’s not enough to identify the problem and offer solutions. There must be a greater vision beyond righting the wrongs of the past. What are our dreams and fantasies for the future? These dreams will keep us tethered to our activism in a way that tiny victories cannot.Rest: Naps and Time Alone
Embedded deep into New York’s innovative start-up world for the past ten years, I’m finally stepping into the truth that activist and community healer Tricia Hersey so clearly states: “Grind culture is violence.” And it often upholds the white supremacist systems that value profit over people. So I’ve started to schedule rest in addition to meditation. I dedicate time to napping in my calendar after a sleepless night, using time management tools to remind myself that my productivity isn’t a measure of my worth. It’s a difficult mindset to unravel, but these are the lessons in unlearning that dismantling systems of oppression require.Wellness requires us to start questioning the hegemony that normalizes shame and suffering.