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september sexoscopes

Your September Sexoscopes

By Stefanie Caponi | Created on 09/01/2020 | Updated on 10/13/2022
Welcome to Virgo season, lovers! This summer has been a push-pull for control and freedom, both personally and politically, as we ride the contradictory waves of restrictions and reopenings. The sun has shifted into mutable earth sign Virgo, which helps us soften into how we can be of service to each other this month. Venus moves into dramatic Leo, opposing Virgo’s practical approach to love and romance. Venus in Leo loves a grand gesture, and if it feels good, go for it! Try not to discount the smaller acts of kindness and generosity; they can have a big impact as well. Virgo season asks: How can you be of service to pleasure right now? The real gamechanger this month is Mars, our planet of action, aggression, and sexual passion, joining the outer planets in retrograde motion. Typically, Mars spends about eight weeks moving through each sign, infusing intense energy into each area it touches. In late June, Mars returned to its home sign, Aries, where it feels most powerful, individual, and antagonistic. This intense energy presided over most of the summer, and now that Mars has stopped and changed direction, we will all be feeling the shift. This is part of a bigger story that will play out over the next several months as we gear up for an unbelievably charged election season. None of this would happen if we weren’t ready to face real change. Learning how to take responsibility for our actions without reacting from a toxic place is part of our collective lesson. As is creating new foundations that benefit all, which begins with bringing corruption, hate, and violence to the surface of awareness. This is directly related to the private ways we have internalized shame, felt unsafe, and felt separate from our bodies, and ultimately our right to pleasure. Regardless of what the universe is throwing at us, keep returning home to your body. Discovering your personal power through exploring your relationship to your sexuality—without shame—is a revolutionary act. The more you can rejoice in pleasure, the more ready you will be to open up and share your world with others, creating connection without judgment as we shift into partnership and equality-focused Libra later this month.


Virgo & Virgo Rising (August 23-September 22)

Happy solar return, Virgo! Your personal new year begins on an uncertain note collectively, but that doesn’t have to be your narrative. You are shifting alongside the collective during an important moment in history. Celebrate your uniqueness, name what you love about yourself, and understand that anything that fails to meet your standards of perfection is just as loveable as the rest. Giving your time and energy by problem-solving and making life easier for the ones you love brings you tremendous pleasure. Remember that others would like to experience the pleasure of giving their time, love, and affection to you, as well. Allow them the honor of servicing you without immediately reciprocating for a change.


Libra & Libra Rising (September 23-October 22)

Spend some time organizing your feelings, desires, and goals this month, Libra. As you gear up for your birthday season, there is so much swirling around in your mind about how you can be and do better, both inside and out. You’re craving balance, and the best way to get answers is sorting through what you want, need, and have the energy for. Taking time away from socially distant activities so you can get quiet will help bring clarity, and with clarity comes inspiration. Consider what you would like to experience from your relationship with yourself, with your partner(s), and with society when you show up as your best self. What do they look like? Reflect on how you can please yourself and show up as that person for everyone else.


Scorpio & Scorpio Rising (October 23-November 21)

What are your secret hopes and dreams, Scorpio? What would life look like if you allowed yourself to open up to these possibilities? In order to experience change, it requires you to do something different. Look at the areas of life you’ve been frustrated by. Emotions inform us of our work, and your frustration is showing you exactly where a different approach is needed. For you this may be on an internal level, such as changing a habit, shifting a perspective, or changing something externally within your environment. Search your heart and use your powerful intuition to guide you to where this may be; doing the tough thing can open surprising doors. Allow yourself to let go in order to receive.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising (November 22-December 21)

Reframing capitalism and your role in the future of the economy may be on your mind this month, Sagittarius. Try not to let your expansive ideas be overshadowed by anger and frustration. This is a multi-layered process that asks you to see the bigger picture while trusting that what you are doing is enough. Getting clear on your intentions for the work you do and your relationship to money may be all that you can do right now. Knowing those answers will guide you to make adjustments in your daily life and what you can contribute to the world. Getting organized can be sexy; when you have more clarity around what you want in one area of life, it tends to spill over into other areas. Be curious rather than controlling, and allow work and play to have their way with one another.


Capricorn & Capricorn Rising (Dec 22-Jan 20)

Expand your horizons this month, Capricorn. Holding a vision of the future while surrendering to the present requires you to open your mind to the endless possibilities that exist despite a lack of empirical evidence. Build toward what is possible rather than what you see available. You don’t mind doing the heavy lifting, because you know that you are the most capable person for the job, but this doesn’t have to be a solo mission. Use your leadership skills to call in the community, lovers, and like-minded folks who can dream and build alongside you. Take pride in what you are working toward, and make space for pleasure in the quiet moments of inhale before each strenuous exhale.


Aquarius & Aquarius Rising (January 21-February 18)

Your relationship to power and control are up for consideration, Aquarius. Life in general may feel chaotic and frustrating, as though you are pushing against a locked door. Step back and examine what your frustration may be trying to teach you. Use your powers of innovation to find a more efficient use of your energy. During the times when you cannot control what is happening around you, you are being asked to uncover new ways of operating in both your personal life and in society. Ask yourself what in your environment you can control, and start there. Communicate your needs to your partner and put your efforts into playing with power and control dynamics in your sex life, transforming pressure into pleasure.


Pisces & Pisces Rising (February 19-March 20)

What does an ideal partnership feel like for you, Pisces? List the qualities that you would like everyone from your romantic partners to business partners to embody. What would the most supportive environment for you look like? This exercise works for everyone, regardless of relationship status when the intention is to bring yourself closer to the love you wish to experience. Finding a sense of clarity around your desires helps you intuitively know what to do when it's time to take action. Know that you can have a healthy balance between your professional connections and your romantic relationships when you are in harmony with your feelings, trust your body to guide you.


Aries & Aries Rising (March 21-April 19)

You may be struggling to maintain balance this month, Aries, as your ruling planet Mars stops and changes direction. Try to see this as a gift to help you pivot from doing the things that your heart perhaps wasn’t fully invested in. Instead of feeling frustrated or angry at things beyond your control, channel your energy into taking care of your health. Your physical body benefits from your love and attention in the ways you exert your energy, from the foods you’re eating to the orgasms you’re having. Let self-love be a multi-sensory experience inside and out, and experiment with different paces, toys, and textures as a way to surprise your system while you navigate the complexities of this month.


Taurus & Taurus Rising (April 20-May 20)

What brings you the most pleasure, Taurus? While everything you love and value may not be at your immediate disposal, you can certainly get creative in the ways you experience the sensations and feelings that offer you a sense of tactile satisfaction. You are the master of the slow burn, and you don’t mind waiting for what you want once you’ve fixed your sites on a prize. As you enjoy the deliciousness of anticipation, notice if you begin to feel frustrated this month. This is alerting you that you are off track and need to put your attention elsewhere. This is also when the universe can slip in and offer you unexpected surprises.


Gemini & Gemini Rising (May 21-June 20)

Get cozy at home this month, Gemini. When taking action feels like a chore, or your efforts aren’t being received, take it as a sign that it isn’t time to make moves rather than just feeling frustrated. You’re being asked to go inward rather than relating outward, and that can feel uncomfortable and quite boring, frankly. Put your energy into your immediate environment. That may look like decluttering your space to make room for new ideas and inspiration to flow to you. Welcome any insights you receive around who and what you've been putting your energy into that isn't offering the return you had been hoping for. Take this reprieve as a gift to help you find your way back to what lights you up and turns you on the most.


Cancer & Cancer Rising (June 21-July 22)

Speak from the heart, Cancer, even if it feels scary. You love to support and nurture the people you care about, but sometimes it doesn’t feel reciprocated in the ways you were hoping for. Not everyone is half as intuitive as you are, especially when it comes to anticipating the needs of others. If you find yourself feeling unappreciated or frustrated, it is time to speak up about what type of care you would like to receive in your relationships. Intimacy requires communication, and you can’t get what you don’t ask for. Take some time to reflect on what your ideal relationship experiences would look and feel like, and call all of the love you give out back to yourself.


Leo & Leo Rising (July 23-August 22)

Take a break and refocus, Leo. It’s been a wild summer of emotional highs and lows, and your energy may be feeling scattered. Try not to overbook yourself, as you may find you don’t have access to the energetic reserves you normally do. Everyone needs to refuel at some point, and this is a great time to take a look within and reframe some of the commitments you’ve made that you’re not thrilled to run back to. Get organized by prioritizing your tasks and relationships without feeling guilty. What makes you feel empowered and excited? Putting those things first may surprise you, as well as inform some decisions about what to keep and what to toss. Don’t be afraid to put your heart’s true desires first.