“Wellness.” A word tossed around and soaked up by juice blenders, boutique gyms, bullet journals, and any and all products selling a shtick dedicated to making you feel better. And believe me, I’m buying into it. A candlelit bath has been calling my name since I left my house this morning, prompting a much needed dose of self-care to keep my body and mind at ease as I trudge on through this spectacularly stressful week. Bring on the sheet masks and the crystals!
We all feel this: workout, shower, commute, work, work more, eat at desk, keep working, event, commute home, eat something, sleep, repeat, repeat, repeat. The time that it takes to give yourself the self-care that you actually deserve is squished between all the activities, and all we want is to be more functional than yesterday, using wellness as our path to feeling more holistically at peace.
This is where the acupuncture, the crystals, the matcha, the CBD, the guided meditations come in, swaying how we spend our time and money on being well. We have sparked a generation of chill people choosing yoga over happy hour just to find a higher self away from the noise. Amazing. But the pinnacle wellness has literally been at our fingertips this whole time, and I have still not seen a boutique gym dedicated to it: masturbation. It is interesting how masturbation has not taken the number one spot on the wellness leaderboard considering how closely it ties into the tenets:
- Sleep: Masturbation has always been linked to promoting better sleep and more restful sleep patterns.
- Stress: Masturbation helps to reduce stress in part due to endorphins produced from orgasm.
- Concentration: Masturbation is key in keeping your concentration levels up. Who can concentrate when you’ve just interacted with that hot babe who takes your coffee order every morning and smiles when saying, "This one's for you!" Uhhh, I am a puddle of raging hormones and I need to get off before even thinking about doing anything else.