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Tips for Masturbating on Your Period

Tips for Masturbating on Your Period

By Dame | Created on 05/24/2023 | Updated on 05/24/2023

Just because it's your time of the month, doesn’t mean that your desire for pleasure shuts down. For some, any kind of sexual activity isn’t appealing when they’re menstruating, but for many, the desire is not only still there, but is increased.

It's both safe and healthy for you to have that instinct to masturbate on your period, and to do it. Some people even find that it can help with uncomfort associated with periods.

Many people report that their level of sexual desire changes at different times in their cycles, and scientists aren’t quite sure why this happens, but we do know that the rise and fall of hormones, along with emotional and psychological factors play a part.

If you’d like to masturbate on your period, then our tips from certified Sexologist Rhiannon John, who is a Master of Sexology at, will help you on your merry, and hopefully very pleasurable, way.

Is it safe to masturbate on your period?

Masturbating during your period is not only safe but also healthy and a lot of fun. “No evidence states that masturbating during your period is unsafe, but there is research stating its benefits,” says John. In fact, many people experience increased sexual desire during their period due to changes in hormone levels, and masturbation is an excellent way to embrace and explore this aspect of your sexuality.

People who menstruate spend around a quarter of their reproductive years bleeding, which is a lot of time to go without sexual pleasure. So if you're comfortable with experiencing pleasure during your period, masturbation is a great way to do so. 

It's also perfectly fine if you don't feel like masturbating during your period. For some individuals, the discomfort of cramping and bloating may make sex and masturbation unappealing or painful. For others, the site of blood can make them become nauseated or even faint. So if you're not into it, it’s ok, as It's normal and valid to have different preferences and feelings about sexual activity during menstruation.

What are the benefits of masturbating on your period?

It may lead to better orgasms for some people

During your period, there is increased blood flow to the genitals and the pelvic floor, which can increase arousal and sensitivity to the area. This results in some people having better orgasms during their period. 

It can help to reduce stress

The hormones released during masturbation and orgasm can also help to reduce stress. Sexual pleasure and orgasm increase the amount of oxytocin in the body, Which has been found to counteract the stress hormone cortisol.

It can help improve sleep

A 2019 study found that individuals who had an orgasm before bed slept better and fell asleep quicker. The study showed that both partnered sex and masturbation were associated with improved sleep, with partnered sex being slightly more effective. This may help menstruating people who suffer from period fatigue or get poor sleep during their period. 

Can masturbating on your period help with period symptoms?

Sex, whether it be solo, or partnered, has been found to significantly reduce pain, which is likely due to the release of endorphins. Many people have taken advantage of this and use masturbation as a way to minimize the symptoms of period cramps. 

12 tips for masturbating on your period

So that you can enjoy the best possible time masturbating during your period, we asked John for her top tips, and they’ll make for a great time.

1. Use a sex blanket

If you're worried about staining your sheets, you should consider investing in a sex blanket. These blankets can absorb and hold all sorts of liquids, including blood, similar to period underwear. Once you're done, you simply rinse out the blood and pop it in the laundry.

2. Use a period sponge or disc

Another way to keep the mess to a minimum is to use a period sponge or disc. These sit high in the vagina, against the cervix, meaning you can penetrate the vagina without making a mess. 

3. Shower solo sex

This one might be obvious, but a great way to enjoy solo pleasure without the clean-up is having some solo shower fun. There are many waterproof toys that can elevate your shower game, or you can even use the shower head. 

4. Clitoral stimulation

If you're looking for a no-mess option, you can stick to clitoral stimulation while wearing a tampon or menstrual cup.  

5. Anal stimulation

Similar to clitoral stimulation, anal play can also be another fun way to experience pleasure during your period. 

6. Over the clothes

Another way to minimize the mess but maximize the pleasure is by using a vibrator to stimulate the clitoris over your clothes or underwear. This is great if you have a pad on that you don't want to change just yet.

7. Use your own natural lube

Period masturbation can be great as there is a whole lot of extra lubrication, which can make it feel a whole lot more pleasurable. 

8. Use lube

If you're experiencing light flow, you should use lube, as small amounts of blood can become sticky during masturbation. Using lube will ensure that you don't experience any pain or friction.

9. Have clean-up tools nearby

It’s always a good idea to have clean-up tools nearby, particularly if you're planning on getting messy. Having some wipes or an old towel can help you decrease the amount of mess.

10. Give yourself permission to enjoy period masturbation

Unfortunately, there is still a stigma attached to period sex and masturbation, so you may need to assess your beliefs surrounding the topic. Knowing that it is a normal and natural form of sexualexpression enjoyed by many, along with giving yourself permission to enjoy it, will allow the experience to be much more pleasurable. 

11. Explore your body

Masturbation may feel different during your period as the cervix sits lower in the vagina, and there is increased blood flow to the area. Therefore you may need to explore your body to find what feels good, trying out new positions, sensations, and toys.

12. Enjoy yourself

Lastly, enjoy yourself and have fun. Masturbation is all about taking the time out to make yourself feel good, no matter what time of the month.