Childbirth is often associated with excruciating pain, endless labor and fleshy gore. But what if it could be pleasurable, euphoric, or even...orgasmic? It’s possible, and actually more common than you think.
Orgasmic birth is a pleasurable, intimate, and rewarding birth experience that sometimes results in an orgasm. During natural childbirth, the baby makes contact with the g-spot and the vaginal canal, which can cause pleasurable sensations. Some birth-givers have even reported that masturbating can “take the edge off” of labor pains instead of turning to drugs.
Orgasmic birth is also caused by a massive wave of the hormone oxytocin, which is naturally released during both childbirth and sex. Oxytocin has also been shown to significantly increase pain tolerance. In theory, a birth-giver can ride the natural wave of oxytocin relief for a more pleasurable birth experience. When a doctor induces labor, they use the drug pitocin, a synthetic version of oxytocin that helps your body produce contractions.
Overall, orgasmic birth is less about achieving sexual pleasure during labor and more about reframing the experience of childbirth as an erotic, pleasurable, intimate, and powerful experience.
To be clear, not everyone will be able to achieve orgasmic birth. Some birth stories may even be traumatic for some people. Being unable to achieve an orgasmic birth doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong — you just had a different and totally valid experience than someone else’s.
There are many ways to experience orgasmic birth
In the documentary Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret, 11 mothers shared their intimate birth stories to show the world that orgasmic birth is definitely possible. One couple is shown kissing and caressing each other through each contraction. One woman in the documentary reported having long-lasting rolling orgasms while giving birth to her son in a birthing pool.Kissing, cuddling, or clitoral stimulation can provide great distractions during contractions.All of the 11 couples shown in the documentary use the birth experience to deepen intimacy within their relationship. Additionally, one woman, a sexual assault and incest survivor, shared that experiencing orgasmic birth helped her heal from sexual trauma. She and her husband prepared extensively for potentially triggering sensations, and in the end, they were both relieved that their natural home birth experience was intimate and pleasurable. Additionally, a 2016 survey by Channel Mum and The Positive Birth Movement showed that 6% of women have experienced orgasmic birth before, though statistics don’t necessarily cover the rates of orgasmic birth among gender-diverse people. Orgasmic birth usually requires preparation, but some people report that orgasms during birth take them by surprise.